10 things you should do on a girl trip...

1. Shop
2. Talk
3. Eat cupcakes in bed
4. try on lots of clothes
5. Eat new things
6. Wear cute things
7. Take public transportation
8. drink coffee
9. eat cupcakes again
10. cry at least once.
So throughout the next week or so I am going to share my amazing trip to San Francisco.
I cannot tell you what a great time I had. I will just have to show you- so you can experience it yourself!
Let me give you a little history. I am a frugal, somewhat what's the word "conservative" girl. I used to be adventurous and crazy, but I married a big risk-taker so I became a little more moderate to balance us out. Jessie (seen eating a cupcake above) turned 30 this year and wanted to do something special about it. When she asked if I wanted to go, I immediately thought- "no way, I can't just do that... I have a 9 month old baby"... blablabla... But then, I had a heart change, and I just decided why not? So we purchased our tickets (of course I waited to the last minute with my indecisiveness and almost missed out) and wooshed away.
And now, with no regrets, I'm ready to do it again!
We had the best time. Because of the time change we got up really early every day, and I scored an amazing hotel in the middle of the action with a Starbucks in the lobby (sometimes being conservative helps in finding deals...) So we drank coffee, ate treats, shopped, went hiking, shopped again, ate amazing food, scouted for donuts, talked, made plans to change the world, walked everywhere (in uncomfortable boots with holes in the bottom) and relished in the girly-ness of feminine friendship. I don't care what anyone says- there's nothing better than a good girlfriend.
We packed so much in this trip, I can't wait to show you!
Where do you want to go?
And if there's any of you feeling a little lonely like, I don't really have friends like that etc... I can tell you I sat in my house on my computer for 5 days without going outside recently. It's easy to get sucked into being a loner- especially with the internet. But there are people- just like you- everywhere- feeling just like you- looking for a friend- just like you. It just takes getting a little boldness, and not letting a little rejection deter you.
so fun! can't wait to see more pictures and hear all about san fran! you are seriously an amazing group of beautiful ladies
love this post.
i love you annica
EEEE! i can't wait to hear! you are so amazing. i want to hear about the weird donuts!
so fun!
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