It's Monday and it's cold outside. I spent most of Sunday cleaning- which I should have rested... but so much to do. Sometimes I kind of like Monday. Monday is my January. It's the beginning; the opportunity to start a fresh week.
That's why I like to have the house clean Sunday night, so Monday morning isn't as daunting.

I came across some photos of Spring and I couldn't hold together how excited I was thinking of warmth, but then I thought... I always rush the seasons and before you know it you are in hot July wishing for Autumn. So I decided today, I'm going to try to love the season I am in.
(hmm, this could mean a lot of different things.)
So instead of rushing to Easter eggs and sunny bike-rides, I'm finding the beauty of winter. Thus my new post to inspire the Winter season for all of us.
Winter One.

images collected from:,
i so love all these posts! so pretty and inspiring!
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