Summer Print

Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Monday everyone. Here's a little summer watercolor that is so cute I wish I could find the artist! It's just floating around the web with no tag, but I thought I'd share it for a little Monday treat.

On a personal note, it seems everyone is in transition lately, in a good way. I sure am! I have so many lovely prospects hinging around the corner, I can't wait for them to be final to announce them. We have about 6 friends moving to different places. Both my brothers are moving from NYC & Maine, my husband just got a new job, my brother in law just moved back to NYC... it seems a lot is changing this summer! I am really trying to embrace the summer, because I love the barefoot toes and sunny beach days, but I can't help feel so much excitement for the Fall!!

Just a little update on things lately.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway to win a man in your life a nice shirt, there's one more week!