Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

unknown source

Today is my birthday. I have officially graduated. I am no longer a wandering 20's. I know what I want, and I'm going to get it. at least that's how i imagine us powerful 30 year olds to think.

I have had mixed feelings about saying goodbye to 20s, in fact it was way harder than saying goodbye to teens ;). I don't feel 30, I never felt 29, in fact most the time when talking to youngsters, I feel like they are older than me and I've been carded to see a rated R movie, and they won't let me taste wine at Trader Joes without an id... so I guess I have never really felt old. But alas, I have to recognize the number has changed so I've got some stepping up to do. 

I have a lot of thoughts about 30 that I will share soon. But for now I'll tell you about my day, my lovely birthday.

I have had some hard birthdays in the past. Not because of anyone, or anything, (well there were a few a-holes that broke up with me on my birthday) but according to facebook who's laughing now? ;) just me and my birthday issues.

But this year, I did it all different. I scheduled a day for myself. I thought about what I'd like to do, and I made it happen. This is what I did... (with the cooperation of my sweet husband who took Isabel with him to work ;) 

I have a pretty fierce cold with snot bubbles and coughing, but by golly I'm not 20 anymore, the 20 year old me would cry and feel unloved by God that I was not feeling good on my special day, but not this year... I'm 30, and I chose to look at the small hardship as a challenge instead of a breakdown, I was determined to make this day count.

I woke up and stared outside the window into the trees and thanked God for life, and thanked God for my mother who gave me life, and I marinated in the thankfulness of what it means to simply exist. Then I rolled out of bed and went to a massage appointment I booked... (and drooled and snotted during the whole thing) I promise you this isn't normal, but today... I decided I didn't care. 

I came home, showered, took my time getting dressed and straightening my hair and got in the car.

I went to Dean & Deluca, and got my favorite sandwich (that I've been eating for 15 years!!!) i started working there when I was 16, with the addition of birthday bacon and a sweet tea. I sat down with my list/journal book and I wrote things that came to me and wrote goals and asked my self who I wanted to be in year 30 and what I wanted to do, and how I was going to do it.

I took a walk. I walked to my favorite paper store, browsed the items I was going to buy for my business, but then decided, nope- no work, only play today.

I went to the mall. I went in every store I wanted to. I stayed in Anthropologie for hours, calculating and trying on clothes, only to return the clothes I bought last week, purchase some bowls for my kitchen and make $53.00. that's a success in my world.

I shopped until my red, watery eyes were tired and my last tissue had been sneezed upon, and came home to my husband giving my daughter a piggy-back ride, listening to her squeal with delight, ate a cheese stick, a cupcake and a glass of sparkling juice.............

and it was perfect.

Jess Gatlyn said...

oh my goodness. by the time i read the last sentence of this post i felt like i was woken up to reality. it was like i was a little bird on your shoulder watching you enjoy your fabulous day! loooooooooooove all of this! and i love you! <3

Ima said...

I always love some me-time and you definitely just had a very lovely day for your own. Happy 30th birthday! Hope your 30s will be filled with happiness :)

JasonBethMicah said...

Happy Birthday Anna! I love catching up on your blog. Sounds like you had a lovely day! :)

Lauren Morgan said...

Amen to a perfect birthday day. I love you and I'm so glad you made it all about you. xoxo!

Kristina said...

Happy Birthday Anna! You deserve many days like these. Love you!

Charis Hill said...

sounds so perfect. (snotty nose and all) hah...
happy birthday!