Stephen & Cincy's Stylin Wedding Part 1; Asbury Park Grove, NC

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Only one more Summer Wedding to go and then I can breathe until September! (which is just a few weeks away really) Well, I told you I was an editing machine, and I promise there will be more projects coming up, because Fall-time is coming, and for me that means project-time, but I still have some AMAZING summer weddings to show you. Like, this one.

Stephen & Cincy Part 1.
This is Stephen and Cincy, a stylin' Charlotte couple who were married at the Asbury Park Grove. There were so many cool photo opp spots around the area, that I couldn't restrain myself with the photos. (that's why there's 2 parts) Just uploading this post has taken me all afternoon!

Everything about this couple is adorable. One of the mother's made these cute signs to direct guests off the highway to the wedding route!

This pic was taken so the makeup artist could see her work through the lens... beautiful! And, that is a redbull in the groom's hand. :)

Cupcakes, my latest obsession.

Little Elfling flower girls. I feel like they should be in Lord of the Rings. Beautiful little girls.

I'm not going to lie, I think these groomsmen look a little bad-A in the next few photos.

Ceremony, Reception and the most beautiful train track photos coming soon...